Monday, November 10, 2008

DAY 1 to DAY 4

Day One
Weight 191

Injection today. My first , the first needle bent when I tried to push it in the bottle. No worry's, I just used another needle. I held this one closer to the end. I figure that practice makes perfect. My skin must be tuff... When I tried to do the injection in my upper thigh it was tuff to push through the skin. This was a gorge day. You are to eat as much as you can.. I was not really hungry. I felt rather full. I did eat some of my favorites. That included... Bread and Cinnamon rolls.

Day Two
Weight- not weighing today

Not to weighing until day three. Still today I was feeling really full. I read a little more today and I found that the gorge day was suppose to be mainly FAT. So today I did choose to eat a Big Mac and a chocolate shake and some “Moose Tracks” Ice-cream.

Day Three
Weight 194.1
Change +3.1

Weight to day was 194.1. I have gained 3 pounds on the gorging days. Ok, today is the day to start. I have learned to give myself the shot. If I quickly poke the skin the needle goes in easier. It is only 12 noon. I will enter more later. Today was good. No major hunger pangs. I got up at 9:00 or so ate at 1:30 and then supper at 6 and snack at 8. I ended with only 400 calories. I will increase the protein tomorrow. I am excited to see the scale tomorrow.

Day Four
Weight 190.0
Change -4.1.

The weight I lost today I think was water weight I had to use the bathroom a lot yesterday. I did figure out that on this plan you need to think ahead and plan your meals so you are not caught hungry without the right food to eat. It is still early so I will add more later.

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