Sunday, November 30, 2008

Day 22 and 23 and 24

Lost - 3
Total lost 21.3

Let me explain the above. I got a new scale the old scale shows -1.2 for the 2 days and the new one shows 3 pounds . Since I am switching to the new scale.... I have change the loss to match. The new scale shows % of fat and % of water. I want to watch those when I am not losing pounds to see if those change.

I also made a mistake in the numbering on the blog I have two day 12's. So this will catch me up. Now on with the show.

OMG my FAT % is 41.2 !!! Water is 47.2 that is correct for my age.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Day 20 and 21

Day 20 lost -.2
Day 21 lost -.5 Thanksgiving
Total 18.3

Again one more week with slow losses.
Week 1 - 11.9
Week 2 - 3.1
Week 3 - 3.6

I don''t really get it I thought that the losses would be greater than that. I have been on other diets that I have lost the same about 3 per week. I have logs on my inches lost from previous diets and it doesn't appear that I am losing more inches either. We'll I'll keep trotting along.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Day 19

Lost 0
Total lost 17.5

Here we go again. I was hoping to start a consistent loss again. I am on the very last injections of the first ampule. I'm wondering if it is getting weaker. I have kept it in the frig. My ketostix are still showing burned fat so I guess I will try to be patient.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Day 18

Lost -1.4
Total lost: 17.4

Much better! YA HOO! I hope I am back on the track to loose. I am being real careful with salt. I do think I may do a little "stationary bike" for a few minutes each day to help use up calories.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Day 17

Lost +1.1
Total Lost 16

Just what I was hoping would not happen did. I gained! . On the plus side I am still down.1.4 from the apple day. The ketostix show that I am burning fat. That's a good thing. I guess we will see what tomorrow brings. I have been so careful. I didn't even have any salt yesterday and most days I am under 400 cals.

Activity... Maybe I am not active enough? Most of my day is sitting. Maybe a trip to the grocery or lite house cleaning. But really not much activity. If the hcg is putting 2000 cals in and I am eating 500 + or-, my BMR is 1335. So maybe I need to be a little more active.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Day 's 14,15 and 16

Day 14 -.1
Day 15 +.1
Day 16 -2.5 Apple Day

Total lost 17.1

Here his my explanation for the above. Last week I only lost 3.1 pounds. I have been following the protocol exactly. My weigh was barely moving and it was only the second week of the R1P2.
So after 4 day of "stall" I took an "Apple day" that was yesterday. The book says that those pounds should not be gained back. ..... We'll see.

Measurement were today:
Arms , and bust stayed the same.
Waist -2
Abd -1
Hips -1/2
Each thigh -1/2

The problem is I need to loose in my hips and thighs not my waist. I would have loved to see the -2 on the HIPS! Maybe soon. I will be patient.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Day Thirteen

Lost -.6
Total lost: 14.6

Well today is the second "no shot" day. Yesterday had to miss a meal then I had to eat at a restaurant.

The Plan:
I knew I was going to be gone over lunch. My plan included a snack of 1/2 a grapefruit. I took this with me. Then I had picked a Salad Restaurant call "Sweet Tomatoes" I knew that I could get the proper food there. I was hoping to get a break in our Dr. appointments to go there.

What really happened:
My hubby had appointments and testing right through lunch. At 2:00 we had the 1/2 grapefruit. I had taken a small bottle of water with me and that was gone in short order. Note to self...... Next time take a LARGE bottle of water. We did get to the salad restaurant at about 5:00.

My choice at the Salad Resturant: Spinach.... 2 small containers with grilled chicken. ( 2 oz each). Dressing? I picked the balsamic vinegar, no oil. They also had Red wine vinegar that I found out later after looking at Calorie King would have been the better choice. They also had orange slices.

Total Calories consumed all day 256. I was not hungry. JUST THIRSTY!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Day Tweleve

  • Lost -.5
  • Total Lost 14

I knew that I would need to slow a little on the weight loss. I started stronge but to contunie on that path would have taken me well beyond the 34 pounds that is allowed on the round. But the fact is that it is coming off. Whee HEE! I found a helpful forum. Below is a list of what they offer.. Check it out.

Pounds & Inches
September 2008
Book Club
Suggested Reading
Success Stories
In The News
Contact Us

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Day Twelve

Lost +.1
Total Lost: 13.5

Ok heres the deal..... DRINK WATER. I did not have enough water yesterday. I have been working with my hands crafting Christmas Cards. With my hands busy I don't drink enough.

I measured this week to match against last week. I lost
waist .5
Abd 1
Hips 1
Thighs 1/2 each
Middle of thighs - 2" each ( I am not sure I measured is the exact same spot this seems high)
Calf 1/2 each

I made a Mini Meatloaf recipe on Monday. YUM

Monday, November 17, 2008

Day Eleven

Lost -1.4
Total Lost -13.6

So glad to see a litle more weight loss. Whoo Hoo! I did add only a teaspoon of the zsweet today to make some a quasi baked apple with cinnamon. ( I tried it with cinnamon stevia an UCK ) It was DELISH!

I also put mineral Oil all over after my shower and that didn't effect me. GREAT!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Day Ten

Lost -.8
Total lost 12.2

I was thinking about the numbers this is day 10 to post so I am not sure how that worked out but yesterday was the 7th day that I have been on the VLCD. So if you don't count the load days I have lost. 12.2 pounds in one week. Interesting.

I am tracking my diet on my iPhone with :
Edibles - I think it cost $3.99 It is easy to use and I have it with me all the time. You just enter the food under the "Log food". My Dr. gave us a list that is calories by ounce so it is easier to log. You begin with 500 calories per day and it subtracts the available calories as you use them. You can even review what you ate by day.

For the tracking of my weight I also use the iPhone The application is called :
Weight Track: It is a 99 cent app. You enter your weight daily , you can set your goal weight, it will show your history of losing. You can set your goal weight and date. It will keep track it is very easy to use and you have your info right at your fingertips.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Day Nine

Gain +.4
Total - 11.4

OK so why didn't I loose? My and answer ONIONS. Yesterday I made the onion soup and had the onion soup with chicken for lunch and Onion soup with ground turkey for supper. SO on the veggie list onion is the veggie with the highest calories. I made sure that I drank plenty of water. SO I guess that it could have also been the salt and water combo.

Today the veggie de jour will be cucumber.

I know when you loose alot the first week you cannot expect to keep loosing at that same rate. The expected loss is only about 30-34 for the 40 days, So somewhere you need to catch up.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Day eight

Lost -1.2
Total Lost 11.8

Yesterday was a real surprise to me. I was not hungry even though it was a no shot day. So for week one I lost almost 12 pounds. Not too bad. It will be great if I can loose one a day from now on. I am looking for recipes. Normally I don't like fish but I have cooked Tilapia 2 times. The hardest is the veggie being the same for lunch and dinner.

Tea... I learned to not to drink them at night. The Yerba Mate is to give you energy ... I drank both teas late last and I had trouble getting to sleep and sleeping.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Day Seven

- .5
Total Lost 10.6

This the the day seven so I take a day off today. That is day off the injection not a day off the VLCD.

I think I may hove lost only 1/2 yesterday because I didn't drink enough water yesterday. I also ate at Applebee's yesterday. I ordered the Spinich salad with chicken. I brought my own dressing. I did learn that on the WW menu the at Applebees they have 3.5 oz of chicken ( pre cooked weight) on the salad. The Steak on that menu has 4 oz precooked weight. I do think that the low loss was due more to the lack of water. I also ate a differet veggie for supper than I did for breakfast.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Day Six

Weight 183.9
Difference -2.1
Total 10.1

Yesterday went really well. I did join the the HCGDieters group. They are all there to answers questions and to encourage. There are alot of before and after pictures. Also ALOT of recipes. Yesterday I had to eat an early lunch. I ate at 11:30 - 6:00 and a snack at 8:00. Today when I put my shot in I did it closeer to my knee than I usually do. I think I hit a nerve. I pulled the needle out and tried again.

I am drinking 3 teas:
Yerba Mate

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Day Five

Weight 186
Difference -4
Total Loss -8

Yesterday was ok but I was a little hungry in the afternoon when I went shopping. We will see how today goes. Yesterday I ate at 12 - 6:30 and snack at 8:30.

I did do more reading. The web site had a challenge that began April 4th. I found it interesting that some of the people dropped out. The majority had gained some weight back. (5-14lbs). Many said in their blogs that they had "things" come up and went off the plan. This should be a lifestyle change. We need to learn to live with "things". My other thought about that was the maybe the HCG was not the same as what we get here in the US from out Dr.'s.

Monday, November 10, 2008

DAY 1 to DAY 4

Day One
Weight 191

Injection today. My first , the first needle bent when I tried to push it in the bottle. No worry's, I just used another needle. I held this one closer to the end. I figure that practice makes perfect. My skin must be tuff... When I tried to do the injection in my upper thigh it was tuff to push through the skin. This was a gorge day. You are to eat as much as you can.. I was not really hungry. I felt rather full. I did eat some of my favorites. That included... Bread and Cinnamon rolls.

Day Two
Weight- not weighing today

Not to weighing until day three. Still today I was feeling really full. I read a little more today and I found that the gorge day was suppose to be mainly FAT. So today I did choose to eat a Big Mac and a chocolate shake and some “Moose Tracks” Ice-cream.

Day Three
Weight 194.1
Change +3.1

Weight to day was 194.1. I have gained 3 pounds on the gorging days. Ok, today is the day to start. I have learned to give myself the shot. If I quickly poke the skin the needle goes in easier. It is only 12 noon. I will enter more later. Today was good. No major hunger pangs. I got up at 9:00 or so ate at 1:30 and then supper at 6 and snack at 8. I ended with only 400 calories. I will increase the protein tomorrow. I am excited to see the scale tomorrow.

Day Four
Weight 190.0
Change -4.1.

The weight I lost today I think was water weight I had to use the bathroom a lot yesterday. I did figure out that on this plan you need to think ahead and plan your meals so you are not caught hungry without the right food to eat. It is still early so I will add more later.