Friday, December 26, 2008

P3 Day 1

P3 DAY:1
LIW : 164.4
Date of LIW: 12/22/08
Today' weight: 163.8
# above/below LIW: -.6
# gain/loss from yesterday:+.4

Here we go. I am really concerned about all the counting. I know that I can get the low carb but to get 1684 cals 60% fat 25% Protein and 15% Carb. That takes alot of work. We'll see.


BEB said...

You will do great. Just add foods slowly and don't cheat. You have a ton more freedom in this stage, but a lot more responsibility and alertness needed.

Beaker said...

Yes, I hated all the counting, too. It's surprisingly hard to get enough calories in.

But hang in there. Bootcamp is only three weeks. You can do it.