Sunday, February 8, 2009

45 days past LIW

WOW... I didn't realize it was so long since I posted. I am 45 days from LIW and I am 2.2 below my LIW. I have tried several starches, Oatmeal, WW Bagel, multigrain Pancake, white flour tortilla.

I would like to try something.......... For the next day or so I do not want to enter my food into fitday. I want to try to maintain with out "counting" things. I have been so attached to the fitday. Entering things all day long , even logging in from my iphone ,trying to figure out my exact %'s and calories, eating more depending on if it said I needed to. I would like to try to eat based on how "hungry or full" I feel. Do you think it is to early to try that?

On Tuesday we begin our cross country drive from Tucson to Houston. I will be driving because my DH is not allowed to drive yet. My dad may try to help drive some but he is 85. We will be driving a 40 foot RV pulling a 20 foot trailer with a car on it. So those of you who pray will you pray for our safe travels?

1 comment:

Beaker said...

Congratulation on maintaining so well. I think it's a good idea to try to find how much food you need based on hunger instead of relying on Fitday. We're trying to maintain for life, and I personally wouldn't want to be tied to a computer's numbers my whole life.

Once we relearn a few things, I think eating should be more intuitive. I don't think 45 days is too early. Sounds just about right. If your weight is no longer stable, you'll know you have something left to learn.

Sounds like a hairy driving situation. I just said a prayer.