Monday, March 9, 2009

Day 16 of VLCD Round 2

Wow I didn't realize that is was so long since I logged.

This round has been ok for me so far I have lost 15 pound including my load weight. For a total of just over 40 pounds.

I will try to post more often. I have been posting regularly on : My Journal

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Load DAY......... Round 2

Load day....... You know what is funny? I really cannot think of anything that I want to eat. I have been eating what I want and enjoying it all along in P3.

I did stop and get some donuts........ but you know they really don't taste as good as I remember.

I made up a batch of cream cheese muffins. We did go to eat at Olive garden. I had the ravioli and bread sticks.

It is really funny that I cannot really think of anything I want to eat. If I went to McDonald right now I would prefer a salad to a Big Mac French Fries and a Milkshake. Interesting????

Sunday, February 8, 2009

45 days past LIW

WOW... I didn't realize it was so long since I posted. I am 45 days from LIW and I am 2.2 below my LIW. I have tried several starches, Oatmeal, WW Bagel, multigrain Pancake, white flour tortilla.

I would like to try something.......... For the next day or so I do not want to enter my food into fitday. I want to try to maintain with out "counting" things. I have been so attached to the fitday. Entering things all day long , even logging in from my iphone ,trying to figure out my exact %'s and calories, eating more depending on if it said I needed to. I would like to try to eat based on how "hungry or full" I feel. Do you think it is to early to try that?

On Tuesday we begin our cross country drive from Tucson to Houston. I will be driving because my DH is not allowed to drive yet. My dad may try to help drive some but he is 85. We will be driving a 40 foot RV pulling a 20 foot trailer with a car on it. So those of you who pray will you pray for our safe travels?

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

P3 Day 20

We are in Ohio visiting our relatives. I have been doing fairly well with P3 with the exception of the first four days of P3 when I took my DH to the emergency room and he was admitted for 3 nights.

The highest I have been above my LIW was 2.4 and the lowest was 2 below LIW.

I really need to be able to handle these visits without gaining. We have one more week of visiting. I have gone from 2 pounds under to one pound over in 4 days.

On Thursday we have a 5 hour drive to visit other family members. It is hard only to add one new thing when I am not cooking. I will not have any more EZ bread, that I can control. Now that I made CC Muffins I can have them for snacks and that should keep my Fat up.

We will see what today brings.